Looking After Myself Physically And Mentally
The Coronavirus disease a global pandemic the world has never seen and will definitely go down in the history books. It’s also one of the saddest times where our own doctors and nurses who were pretty much invisable to the Government before this pandemic are losing their own lives by saving others. These workers do the toughest jobs risking their own lives everyday.
Our Government should be ashamed and embarrased for not providing these care workers with the correct equipment and support they need. In my eyes these workers are more than heroes and I salute each and everyone of them.
I can’t imagine what it must be like for parents trying to home school and still put in the hours at work. While those who can’t work from home still have to travel on public transport putting their lives and others at risk because they have no choice. These are unprecedented times and I think everyone is doing their best in this situation.
For me this has been a time to rest and look after myself. I’ve never had this much time to think about myself and I’m loving it. In any other situation I’d be climbing the walls worrying about my finances so I feel grateful that I’m able to stay home and still get paid. I know it’s not the same for a lot of people.
I’ve spent most of my time doing online courses for my business listening to podcasts,catching up with friends and looking after me. I practice yoga once a week go for a two hour walk twice a week and the rest of the week I do strength training. I’m in a really good space at present and the whole quarantine/lockdown vibe has made it easier for me to relax.
I’m fortunate because I live on my own and have all the amenties that I need close by. I’m doing regular meditation and daily affirmations which sets me up for the day. The meditation needs a little more practice my mind usually starts wondering. What’s the saying “If at first you don’t succeed try try again”
My prayers are with those who have lost freinds and family.